Thursday, October 24, 2019

Personal Boarding School Experience.

This blog that you are about to read really means the most to me. Why ? Because it is very personal. Even though I have been providing tips and advice for you parents and students reading. I have never shared my personal story and my personal transition process. It wasn't easy and did not come over night. I was scared and was afraid to leave my parents. I honestly thought they were bluffing about sending me to boarding school because they did it before. However, when they took me to the embassy to get my student visa it all became real. In 2013 I attended Darlington School. A boarding school that was located in Rome Georgia. It was a diverse coed school. Although it was not an easy three years altogether in that school. My first year was such an amazing experience yet one of many clashes. However, that was the year I began to finally understand myself.  At Darlington I was able to meet my best friend and make other friends who I consider my family. That is where I learned how a roommate is supposed to get along. Darlington was a culture shock for me. As young girl I was always use to being the majority coming from a country where people looked and thought the same things as me. It was a school that had faculty and staff that helped me academically to get into a college that would fit. It was a place of many laughs and cries. Even though it was sometimes being tough being a student at that school. I would not trade my experiences and the people that I met for the world. In the end I found myself extremely grateful for the opportunity to attend that boarding school. I could not make this blog without paying a tribute to the school that allowed me to give the advice you are seeking. If you are interested in seeing what my particular experience was like. Click here for information on Darlington. 

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